Monday, July 18, 2011
Internship interview? - this site provides similar internships for college student and some tips about application.
Should we have college financial aid reform?
I think you are on to something bro.. but I'm not sure I agree with the implementation.. obviously Americans need to start entering into more challenging degree areas.. like math, science, engineering.. or we are going to be a 2nd class nation.. it's a national security issue.
What is a creative island name for a financial institution?
Our campaign theme is "survivor island" and we need to come up with a tribal name for our branch.Any suggestions?
Is this a DVD Set all true Wrestlign Fans should buy?
While many people in my opinion "should" buy the DVD, I don't think it necessarily where "true" wrestling fans have to watch it. Now in my opinion, I believe that this is a DVD is very important to me because in a way, I always wondered, how did the Montreal Screwjob occured, arguably the one of the most memorable moments in Professional Wrestling History, and it made Vince McMahon's character, and it kinda shows his true colors to the real world as well.
How to import a multitude of songs into 1 Album in itunes?
So, I have a bunch of random songs like 100 or so, but is disorganized and is seperate mp3 files. I fear that once i open all of them that itll ruin my library and take forever to organize. How do i import them all into just one album?
I have VERY few extracurriculars, how does that hurt my college application chances?
I only have like 36 hours of community service as well, none of it looks that impressive. However I have a 4.0 GPA, a multitude of AP classes, a very high SAT score, a great essay, and near perfect academics overall. I'm not that social, so mostly I just read books and study, hence the few extracurriculars.
Has Rick Perry figured out how to solve our problems?
Last I checked, Obama is President and he has not fixed anything yet, actually he has made unemployment and the economy worse. We are all praying now days hoping we will make it through this disaster of an administration.
Think you know Astrology? Regarding the multitude of questions regarding marriage, if we can see the general?
If the prediction is wrong then you didn't really understand what you were trying to predict. That about sum it up?
Jesus' multitude of followers?
Matthew says that Jesus had a multitude of followers while he was going around healing people. Did any of these people, besides the apostles, document Jesus' actions and words.
I'm gay and I keep leading girls on?
I guess it isn't apparent that I'm gay, because 75% of the time girls I talk to end up liking me... A lot... and I don't reciprocate... and I end up feeling like a dick about it. I don't really want to be openly/outwardly gay. I wouldn't say I'm "closeted" either, because those who I feel should know, do know. I wouldn't want people to assume I'm gay for a multitude of reasons... Mainly, I'm in High School in a not-so-great area, and because I kind of advocate when I hear other kids bad mouthing gays. So, letting everyone know is an option, but the cons greatly outweigh the pros. Suggestions? kthx
Social security child survivor benefits?
my daughter's father passed away and i would like to collect s.s. benefits. i don't understand what work credits are. how many work credits do you need to collect benefits? do you have to get those credits in consecutive years? does the amount of credits determine how much you get? any info would be a great help. thank you
When Jesus fed the multitude with bread and fish,why did he not give anything to drink?
If I were on the mountain eating fish,I would be thirsty.Couldn't Jesus have invented Coca Cola on the spot and distributed it to the crowd?
Fact or fiction: the story of Noah's Ark?
Well, Noah was before Jesus, Moses, and Abraham. And I don't see why not, it's not impossible for the animals to be there, a flood that big could happen, even the boat is mathematically float able. Not to mention the whole "God presiding" thing. I take it as fact.
Christians, why do you think people reject the Gospel?
"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible." ~
Really worried, did I get the job or not?
So I had an interview yesterday at 4:30pm and the manager said he would call me back later that night or either or today letting me know if I got the job and its 3pm here and he still hasn't called. I know he said either yesterday OR today but I feel like if he wanted me to work there he would have called last night or earlier today. I'm kind of sad and worried. What is your opinion? :(
Hello.. any one had interview at nationwide building society for customer service representative position...?
I have Interview for customer service representative position within 2 days...Can any body have idea what questions are they going to ask at interview?..
Grammar Question!! 10 points!?
The 'is' should be there for the first one and the second one should be 'are' because reasons is the subject so 'is' becomes 'are'
I started a new job recently and...?
You can write it on the spreadsheet but its best to also talk with your supervisor and let her know that you are interested in another job also. Maybe you just need the extra cash. He or she will understand. Like at my job, i had to leave early but it was for a exam at school and they told me it was fine. So it shouldnt be a big deal...good luck
Could I get expelled from school for this?
Today me and 3 of my friends got found out smoking weed on the school field at dinner, it was my friend that brought it in and i didnt have much and the teachers know that, because me and all my friends were 'interviewed' after dinner at school and the deputy head teacher said hes gonna ring home on monday when he decided what our punishment is. Do you think i could get expelled even though it wasnt me that brought it in?
BIG FAT CONFUSION I had a telephone interview from two different companies,in different day (Please see below)?
I applied for an administrative role in several companies, I was interviewed on the phone by one of these, and on the following day I received another call with the same job description but from a different company. Because I thought it was the same company I told them I was already interviewed, however I just realised that I misunderstood the situation. How do I go about it? I still want to do the telephone should I explaine the circumstance? or rather should I explaine it?
What would you do if their was a Zombie Outbreak?
why do people love asking stuff like this. well i would call my friend to make she he is OK then i would go get my my dads glock shotgun and rifle and hop in my moms turbocharged Saab. after that i would pick up my friend give him the glock have him hang out the passenger window and shoot them back to the grave while i ran over them.
Can you help me find this website?
I found a website about a month ago that was really useful. It gave a multitude of airports, and for each one, it listed all types of aircraft that flew there. I can't find it, so could you help me?
Different types of certificates?
Hey, I'm in year 10 and I want to get more certificates for when I start having college interviews in November. What kind of ones can I get apart from Judo, Karate and Kung Fu?
If someone dressed up more for interview does it mean that person go the job?
Yesterday I had an interview scheduled it said come on business attire. I wore nice pants and long sleeve shirt with short heels on hair in a bun light make up on. I do not own suits and I just graduated from college. The other girl was in pants suit hair in a bun.She had one those leather-zip up folder.I had just a regular old folder. Both of us made it to second around of interviews. I personally think I did really well. The first interview her and I were interviewed together and than we separate for one on one interviews. Overall the interviews were close to hour in length together. I guess I more business-causal even though I was trying for business attire. Will the other girl get job because of pants suit and leather-back zipped up folder?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What is the safest way to bring my XBOX 360 overseas?
Hi , in a couple of weeks , i will be traveling to Indonesia from the US and i wanted to make sure that my XBOX arrives to indonesia with me safe . How would you say that i do this ? I wanted to wrap it in bubble wrap but i fear that eventhough it will keep the exterior of my xbox safe from scratches , it will certainly not prevent the insides from moving when the airport baggage people throw my luggage carelessly just to get through the multitude of other bags .I could put it inside in the middle of my luggage around other clothes so it would decrease the shaking but i wouldnt have that much stuff in my luggage to be able to do this . I thought of buying the actual case online , putting my xbox in there and to also try to cover it up with a towel or two but i think that would do no good . what other suggestions do you guys have ?
What can you tell me about Vector Marketing and CutCO Cutlery? Please read details!?
Holy crow. They're still in business. I tried doing that. Way back in 1990. The knives are expensive. Plus you have to start with your family and friends and no one wanted to buy it. I didn't make a dime. I'd try something else.
Do you think it would help this section to have some more diversity among NFL fans?
Packer fans and Lions fans are on here because they feel excited for the upcoming season and want to take every advantage to talk about it. Lions fans are excited to have a team with a likelihood of posting a winning record next season, and Packers fans are getting all prepared for a dynasty. That's why there's SOOOOO many of them on this forum. However, despite my Green Bay affiliation, I agree with you. It would be much more beneficial to have many more fans of different opinions and support for different teams. As long as these new users quickly prove to be both reputable and intelligent. I'm sure things will pick up once we're through this lockout crap and a new NFL season starts.
What will you do or who will you hire? On this specific situation?
I would give it to Rob... if he's intelligent he'll be able to do the job n susan could easily get a job elsewhere with her credentials
HELP! baby fish in serious danger what should I do? :(?
Fish are normally traumatized by moving...think about how worse it is on fry. Keep them in the floating nursery and leave em alone.
I am fed of "hmm and okay" frm her...but still she starts talking all the time.?
She is my classmate whenever we r online on fbk she starts the chat all the time. Even the last 20 times she was the one who started the chat . But after the initial "Hi and hello wassup" as we continue I get irritated as her replies are mainly "hmm and okay " to all my texts. And I have to think for a topic all the time I mean it sounds as if am taking her interview and she replies with "ok and ya" for every question of mine. I dont reply her sometimes when I get irritated but still she starts the chat next time. What does this mean? If she isnt interested in, why does she takes initiative to talk to me?
What do you think of this Arthur O'Shaughnessy?
I am awed. This is the first poem outside of Omar Khayaam`s Rubaiyaat, which sufficiently moved me to learn the verses I found pencilled into a textbook, by heart and there were only 2 verses & it was @ 55yrs ago! It is certainly the first poem which I learned voluntarily and I`m overjoyed and thankful to read it in full so THANK YOU. Objectively, I`d say it`s a first-rate example of metre and rhyme for any aspiring poet to use as a sturdy benchmark, And the theme is unsurpassably expressed, and what`s now termed `accessible`. Again, thanks, I`m thrilled. It`s an excellent piece of rhyming verse, from all levels and angles I think.Amazing, that its` glow stays undimmed despite my being priveleged to read/study countless other works of originality or/and genius (-: Great !
Might have broken the law and feel terrible?
Don't worry you haven't broken the law, everyone tells lies sometimes. The worst thing that can happen if you get found out is that you won't get the job, it won't go to the police or anything. If you feel really bad about it then maybe you should tell them the truth and that you lied because you really need the job. I'm sure they'll understand. Hope that helps.
What do my symptoms suggest i have?
I started taking a supplement for cankers called The Canker Spanker, which heals the sores you have and helps prevent new ones. Works great! Highly recommended. They are online and in a few stores, check'em out!
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 2 out of the last three days which was really nice. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Can it work? Thanks so much!
Did someone download this youtube video by chance?
it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to find the video once it gets taken down from youtube.. either you find the channel of the uploaders (IF THEY HAVEN'T GOTTEN TAKEN DOWN) and ask them or there's no other way!
Are there any grammatical errors? can you change and make it better?
Shedding light on some of the important aspects of depression like the causes, symptoms, consequences and relating them to student psychology proved beneficial for the team. The information helped the team to improve knowledge, understanding and awareness required for a quality research. Moreover, it enabled us to get a good directionality on further readings that will complete the gaps of knowledge we currently have. Furthermore, it helped the team in designing questionnaires for the students and interview questions for the interview, assisting the team to execute the methodology with professionalism. Primary and secondary research together will help the team in generating a suitable comparison between the information obtained from the articles and what the PI has to offer. This comparison will enable the team to answer the research question and also to recommend appropriate, innovative, and achievable solutions. Currently, by working effectively, managing tasks, meeting deadlines the team ensures the integrity of the investigation and will do so till the final day.
Help! Roach infestation problem?
My husband's grandmother rented out her old home next door to a family who obviously didn't know how to clean or be sanitary. The outside looked like a garbage pit and they were falling behind on rent so she finally evicted them. Because of physical issues, she was not able to go into the home throughout the time that they lived there to see how they were keeping it up. The day after they moved out we went down to "clean". We had no idea what we were walking into but let's just say the outside looked better than the inside. There was trash and dog feces all over the floor (a dog they weren't supposed to have) along with a multitude of every kind of insect you can possibly think of. They also had two small children living in this! We got all trash out and pulled up carpet hoping that would help SOME. Now we still have a roach problem. There were so many roaches that the kitchen counters, walls, door handles, molding and cabinets are all black and brown from roach feces. We cloroxed everything we could and fogged the house with 9 foggers two different times. We still have bugs. What is going to be the correct steps in getting this house completely rid of this insects? Thanks for all your help!
Why don't people date anymore?
About 10-20 years ago going on casual dates was more common, but in recent years there is no "dating process." From my experience asking someone out means that you want to have a serious relationship or something like that. I tend to look at dating as a chance to get to know someone that you could potentially have a relationship with i.e share similar interests are attracted to etc, and to see if they have similar feelings. In a nutshell, a date is almost like an informal "job interview" for lack of better word. I also don't see anything wrong with going on many dates with many different people IF YOU'RE SINGLE. I think it helps develop good communication skills in a relationship-like capacity. Here's a prime example: I asked a girl out to go on a nature photography hike, and then have a picnic at the end of it. I invited another couple I knew to join us so it could be really informal. She said no. But, it wasn't like I didn't know this girl. We had a lot of good conversation, and we seemed to have a lot in common. However, my view is that she interpreted my asking her out as a sign that I wanted her to be my girlfriend, which was an incorrect assumption. I just wanted to get to know her better, and see if I was really that interested in her...then maybe we would head in that direction. It was also kind of hurtful to infer that she had absolutely no interest in getting to know me better at all. Going on a date with someone is NOT a contract, contrary to popular belief. Nobody seems to think this way, and subsequently very few people casually date at all. In fact, the only dates I've ever been on, have either quickly resulted in a relationship that I didn't really want, or very angry girls thinking that I "led them on," when I told them that I really enjoyed our date, but that I was interested in seeing other people. People need to learn how to say what they mean, and not avoid uncomfortable confrontations. If someone asks you out, and they're a reasonable person, why not just go out with them, have a good time, get to know them, and if you have no romantic interests just say so. Why is so difficult for people to get this!!? I wonder if there are any sociological factors in our generation that influence this cultural manifestation? Any ideas? Thanks. This is so frustrating!
I really need help with this hair color?
I have brown hair but i want my hair red velvet or bright red just like ariana grande (cat ) from victorious? she said an in interview that she dosent need to bleach her hair to get it so does anyone know how i can get my hair that color without damaging it?
How come legal tender isn't taken?
i have worked a multitude of places that tell me something like, we cant take bills over 50. or they can't pay in rolls of pennies. Sometimes no rolls of change are ok. I don't understand if its law that cash and coin is legal tender and it must be taken, how are these businesses allowed get away with this?
The ultimate zombie apocalypse playlist?
Static X Canabel should be the song for the ending. Jon Bon Jovi he has a song where he sings make my final stand, that might work for number 7, I cant remember the name of the song lol.
Is it normal to have a Suicide feeling?
I know everyone says this but things will get better. 13 is a tough age. Suicide won't solve any problems. God sees suicide as murder. Since you have a tough life, it makes you unique. God can use you to help other people with similar problems. You can set an example for others that even when life sucks God will always be there for you. I hope this helps and God bless :)
Did I already blow my interview? Help?
A company asked me via email if I would be available at 7:45 next wednesday for a job interview. I got this Email yesterday. I said "Sounds Good. So 7:45 on July 6th? Is it possible I could get the address?. And now I haven't received a reply in over 18 hours. Did I blow it? I ended up googling the place and finding directions without their help,but since they didn't tell me where they were located that would seem creepy. So did I run my own chances?
Is it normal to lie in an interview?
It seems like the only way to get anything is to lie about yourself. I don't like it but I feel there's no other way. When asked something like "why do you want this job?" saying "for the money and lots of time off" isn't going to work, so everyone lies and says "because i have a genuine interest in what you do" or something like that. Complete BS but what else can I do?
Advice me please.please help me with any links,suggestion ,advice .i m now a wheelchair user.?
my problem going 2 start after my parent .i am 27 from india stroke survivor &jobless .now my parent s there 2 support me but after my parent s i'll b a burden on my brother &his family .no doubt that my brother loves me a lot but the problem is he don’t do any high paid salary job in india .now I can’t think of any u have any idea ?please help
I'm writing a short story about..?
You aren't writing a story about anything. You are quoting a proverb from the bible. The job of a writer is to take an idea and turn it into a story. So get busy.
How do you feel about boston rob win on survivor?
frankly, i hate it, i think it's kind of sad that survivor has history of having the most manipulative, evil jerks take home the million dollar prize. Yes, i do know survivor motto is to outplay outlast outwit, but still, in end of the day, i still wish there would be people like ethan from survivor africa, whose motto is that you can be extremely competitive without compromise ones integrity. (that why i was quite happy when russell heinz lost in the final both times)
Why are the "leaders" of today so lacking in comparison to this 1588 monarch?
Queen Elizabeth committed genocide against the Irish, I really am grateful that America's leaders are not genocidal.
Islam is so sexually restrained.. So why did Muhammed have sex with dozens upon dozens of women?
Religion doesn't stop a man from wanting "some"; not to mention have you noticed all of the "religious figures" who molest children. YES. Everyone has flaws, you'lll be suprised.
What are your top 5 B.S. matches in the wwe in recent years?
Iron Shiek & Mae Young vs Samoa Joe & Fabulous Mooluh vs Vader & Nikolai Volkoff vs Burno Sammartino & Raven in an 4 way death match, casket, hell in a cell, exploding nipple, anal electrocution, pay per view. Loser licks Vince McMahn Sr.'s butthole.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
What could be used on an island to make it self sufficient?
You do realize that there are actually people living in island nations that sustain themselves without electricity in this day and age. Towns and villages thrived without modern equipment too. I seem to remember reading about entire empires that dominated most of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East that did quite well without electricity so do you believe that this would be one of the main concerns of the few remaining survivors from a zombie takeover? I only ask because anyone caught in a survival situation won't be worrying about electricity as a priority. Water, shelter, food, and companionship are all basic needs, your ipod isn't. Sorry, I am a realist but I guess your novel is about zombies so realism isn't the focus. I would aim for a more primative living scenario using water wheels and windmills for things like irrigation and milling. Maybe eventually infrastructer and electricity would emerge but the transition from modern life to island isolation will be much more believable if you focus on the basics of human perseverence. I can imagine people sailing to the mainland (risking being eaten) to gather critical items like medications, basic tools, or maybe radios and batteries for communication but not to gather miles of wiring and computer components. Plus what the heck is going to be on the tube anyway, are the zombies going to start broadcasting the "Zombie Jersey Shore?" Just my two cents. Good luck with the story.
Do you Agree with this Quote? Yes or No? Why or Why Not?
"If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute." - Thomas Paine
Do You Think The Founding Fathers Agree With The Current Level of Government Taxes?
I highly doubt the Founding Fathers would even recognize anything in America today. We better start waking up real soon to what this country is becoming, or one day it will look like the Soviet Union.
Ripping Problems: Music Files On Hard Drive Being Overwritten?
Once they have been ripped copy and paste them to a different place / folder so the listen to the copied ones and the old ones get overwritten
How can I get my Streampad player on Tumblr to not reload all the time?
I have a multitude of links on my Tumblr page but every time you click on one, my streampad player at the bottom of my page restarts the music. With player it doesnt do this but messes up my infinite scroll. Any help would be appreciated! thxx!:))
Weaning from the breast-- what feeding should go next?
Personally, I would drop the middle of the night feeding next. I don't think it matters much which one you choose but the middle of the night feeding sounds more tiresome.
I can be helpful, but how far will that really get me?
The other day me and my friends went on a series of job interviews at a prestigious chain of Bed and Breakfasts known as "Milfields" all of my friends KILLED on their interviews. They were calm, they answered the questions and were ultimately given jobs. My buddy Hermes got put in charge of the nautical activities that were include with this particular B&B, including the canoe trainer. Miles was given the task of being an on field medic. Matteo was the IT guy. My time in the interview seat was finally there. I froze up. I didn't know what to do or what to say. My voice was cracking, and when the interviewer asked "what can you bring to the table?" all I could respond with was "I can be...helpful". I was told that I would be contacted within a week. It's been 2 weeks, and all of my friends got their callbacks in a matter of days. Should I learn how to be a better interviewer, and go back? Or seek out a different source of employment?
Green card-state residency?
My husband just received his work permit and we applied for his social security number, which is already in our hand, BUT i am wondering how and when he will become a california state resident? The interview is in about a month, so what we need to do to establish his residency because we want to apply for college financial aid for him and for that i think he has to be a resident or not?
What is the rule for offsides on a scrum for defending scrumhalves?
I have had a multitude of different referees in my 2 years, and every single one has different rules. some let me in the 8-man/flanker pocket, some dont. some say its the line of the ball, and those who dont all have weird offsides lines. I can adapt to their rules, but i just want to know.
What is an appropriate size for a portfolio?
I work at a newspaper and have some full page ads which are about 11.5 x 22.5 in full size. How should I go about putting those in a portfolio? I'm wondering if its ok to fold in half (crease is already there when the newspaper is printed) but that would mean taking out of the sleeve to view the whole page. But to have a portfolio as tall as a newspaper seems cumbersome and maybe too big to bring to an interview. Any serious suggestions/advice welcome please!
If I have a question about something on my medical records (my scoliosis) can I just call my doctor and ask?
I need to know my degree of curvature for a military interview. (pre-screening questionnaire) I do not have any written records of it so it ok to just call my doctor and ask about it? Or should I go in?
Mormons: Jews and Hebrews did not restrict blacks from the priesthood?
The Jews restricted everyone, except Levites, from the Aaronic priesthood. The Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood appears to have been even more selective, as it determined the royal family.
Why do girls do this!?!?
Why do some girls reject you when you like them, but then try and be your friend? It just never seems to work for either party. I am a guy and have been through this a multitude of times.
It seems like this annoying guy is interviewing every single MMA fighter. Whose *** did he kiss to get himself to this position? Every time I go on any MMA site, he's always doing half of the interviews? I CAN'T STAND THIS GUY AND DONT UNDERSTAND WHERE THE HELL HE CAME FROM ALL OF THE SUDDEN! GAHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I need tips/help for my first interview! Any suggestions?
So I applied for a position for a city job as a recreation leader. It's going to be my very first job interview and I'm super nervous!! I need tips on how to ace this interview. I'm so scared and excited at the same time! Help please(:
Why do people cry so much about the holocaust but don't pay attention to similar atrocities happening now?
The mass extermination of Jews is a myth. Scientists have proven this many times..........a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
What does this mean in the bible?
The blind man meant that he could see vague shapes but that, if they weren't moving, he wouldn't recognize them as people. After Jesus touched his eyes again, he could see more clearly.
What should I do for my 13th birthday?
Just take it easy with a hawiian theme. Wear grass skirts nd hats nd relax with hawiian music im sure the adults would love it!
Social security child survivor benefits?
my daughter's father passed away and i would like to collect s.s. benefits. i don't understand what work credits are. how many work credits do you need to collect benefits? do you have to get those credits in consecutive years? does the amount of credits determine how much you get? i know this has nothing to do with m&d but i am just looking for info any info would be a great help. thank you
Can my baby be around a polio survivor right after she is vaccinated?
Someone told me she cant but the Dr never said anything.. I'm asking because my grandma had it when she was little and we're going over tomorrow and my baby got her polio vaccine today. Thanks!
What are some key questions to ask someone to get them to describe someone else?
i am working on a project where i have to interview someone and ask them to characterize another person. what are some key questions i should keep in mind and ask?
How do you inquire about your job application if the store isn't currently hiring?
It feels like it's been 3 years that I've done all this job searching and I still have not gotten a job. I applied every chance I got and only got called for 4 interviews; one for Vector marketing, one for McDonalds, a clothing store called Choice and one for Target (which I missed because I was at a different city that time and was unable to reschedule it). I also went to another open interview for McDonalds, two open interviews at Ono Hawaiian BBQ and one at Hollister. I am still applying to places online. I have no work experience,volunteer experience nor did I do much during high school. I also don't have any reliable references who are outside my immediate family. I went to college for less than a year and hopefully will start again this year. I am 19 years old. How should I inquire about my job applications if most of the jobs I applied to are not currently hiring?
Vampire diaries advert ....on virgin tv ... from warner tv ..2011?
i keep seeing this advert when im on the On Demand section on virgin tv for the Vampire Diaries and the song is the background doesn't have any lyrics but is quite rocky ..alot of guitar and im dying to know what it is .. i have been trying to find it through a multitude of searches but have had no luck so any help would be appreciated :) thanks people
How is john casablancas?
i hav an interview wit them tommorrow here in tampa fl...shud i b worried tht im gonna b used? if they start tlkin i need to leave? and if they r a scam can sumone please help me find an actin agentcy here in tampa fl
What are some of the better parts of Pittsburgh?
I was looking to move to Pittsburgh and am researching home prices. There seem to be a multitude of larger sized homes for under $50,000. What I want to know is what parts of Pittsburgh are nice and safe? By safe I mean average to lower than average crime levels and good schools. Can I find a home, not a condo, for under $100,000? And when I say a good neighborhood, just because black people live there doesn't mean it's automatically a bad neighborhood. I just don't want the ghetto like you find in downtown LA. And also, how is the job market in Pittsburgh in the finance sector or clerical sector? I was looking at parts like Penn Hills, Swisvalle, Brookline/Beechview, Brentwood and Mt. Oliver. Are these good areas and if so which parts? Thanks for all the input. FYI, I live in Long Beach CA currently in an OK area.
As Ayman al-Zawahiri heads Al queda and vows to continue the jehad, will Chinese ultra nationalists support?
Post Binladen, Ayman al-Zawahiri has been designated to head Al Queda. Just after the death of Bin Laden, multitude of Chinese ultra nationalists were mourning his death, signifying their approval of the notorious terrorists. Will the Chinese ultra nationalist elements offer every moral and material support to Ayman al-Zawahiri, as they did to Osama Bin-Laden?
CPS stated the abuse against my son is "unfounded" because at the time of the interview between?
cps and my son, the bruiseS were gone. CPS came to interview my son 11 days after my son gave his recorded statement to the police who took pictures of the bruiseS as well. CPS has never even seen the police report yet!! My sons step mother has admitted to CPS that YES she does use a spoon on my son!! Dad even stated to our court mediator that YES, my wife DOES use the spoon. WHY IN THE HELL IS THIS ALLOWED........The court ordered that my son be allowed to continue to go to dads home and I am the one who needs to show PROOF of the abuse. The DA office has the report and I can NOT GET A COPY OF THE REPORT TO GIVE THE JUDGE!! Now we have an evidentiary hearing coming up. I have no police report, CPS says unfounded cuz the bruises were gone, im pro per and im going stir crazy. My son is now having to go back and forth between our homes and be with this women who is hitting my son. Oh, btw, this is the FOURTH INCIDENT of abuse from her against my son. WHY WHY WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? WHY IS THE COURT ALLOWING THIS??? WHAT DO I DO??????????
My tumblr notes disappear? Help?
So, I'm not sure what is going on. My Tumblr notes from my point of view always disappear - however, you can click on the picture and see them all there. They don't come back either. I've tried a multitude of things. What can I do to make sure they stop vanishing?
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 4 out of the last seven days which has been really nice. I see her openly up slowly and seems willing to do a little more with me each day, although nothing is physical of course. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
My dad won't let me get anymore piercings :(?
well my mom has about 4 or 5 piercing in each ear and she still gets good jobs so that part is ridiculous. and as for him not letting you get more piercings: boohoo. just wait til you're 18. but if you do get a bunch of piercing at 18, make sure you have a second place to live cuz your rents might kick you out.
I have a job interview at fossils coming up this weekend, and I was wondering how should i dress (female)?
Also I was hoping if anyone knew how the interview goes, and do they call you again for another interview.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Do I have to stick to one particular pantheon for my worship? What does that say about me if I don't?
I seem to find myself drawn to Goddesses and Gods from a multitude of pantheons. How do Pagans decide which pantheon they want to worship? Do most Pagans even settle on one anyway?
Guardians: Children moving to another country alone?
I heard in an interview by actress Bridgit Mendler that while her family's staying in San Francisco she lives in Los Angeles with a guarding, and I also heard about guardian agencies. Is it actually possible that a child moves to another country alone with a guarding from a guardian agency looking after it to study somewhere else or so? I mean, only temporary like a second residence or so?
Why is yahoo deleting questions from kids asking how to make money?
The users are Moderators so it is not Yahoo removing them. It's against the rules which we all agreed to when we joined. Probably did not read them but we did agree. I agree it is harmless but there are plenty of other places to post employment questions.
How do I control my temper better?
how bout seeing a counselor/therapist to try & figure out why ur so angry all the time, there must be a reason?? usually it's something that may have happened in the past that u may think is no big deal, but it effected u more than u realize or it could b something that u've blocked out totally?? there's anger management classes, but i think starting out with a good therapist doing one on one counseling would help out alot, good luck to you
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years and we have been apart for about 7 months now. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 3 out of the last 7 days which was really nice. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. Almost everyday she says we should try to stop talking or not see each other anymore, but shortly after she continues to communicate with me. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
Had a dream about my dead grandma last night?
Last night I had a multitude of weird dreams which I have not had dream for sometime. They were kind of short and jumped from one to the other. Then the one with grammy came up, I was in a house and may have been talking about her to someone, then noise came from the kitchen and the lady said it was my grandma. I couldn't see her but new she was there like a spirit I believe pouring coffee then she walked into to the living room. Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was coming towards me and I felt scared and tried to hide she tickled my feet may have said something then was gone. It jumped from there to my boyfriend myself and our kids moving in together. I knew in the dream she was dead and believe I was scared because ghost scare me, I don't watch scary movies or anything that will make me have bad dreams. I do believe in angels etc. Even thought I was scared Gram's presence felt as she was calm. I woke up scared tired but scared it was hot in the house so I was sleeping uncovered. I grabbed the blankets and threw it over me afraid to keep my feet exposed. Come to think of it I think it may be 5 month today that she has be gone. Died from Cancer at 70 years old 2 days before Christmas. I miss her dearly what does this mean
Can't think of the name of this book?
The title of the book is "Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors" by Piers Paul Read. It was turned into a movie "Alive" starring Ethan Hawke.
CPS stated that the abuse was to be "unfounded" against my son due to at the time of the interview between?
cps and my son, the bruiseS were gone. CPS came to interview my son 11 days after my son gave his recorded statement to the police who took pictures of the bruiseS as well. CPS has never even seen the police report yet!! My sons step mother has admitted to CPS that YES she does use a spoon on my son!! Dad even stated to our court mediator that YES, my wife DOES use the spoon. WHY IN THE HELL IS THIS ALLOWED........The court ordered that my son be allowed to continue to go to dads home and I am the one who needs to show PROOF of the abuse. The DA office has the report and I can NOT GET A COPY OF THE REPORT TO GIVE THE JUDGE!! Now we have an evidentiary hearing coming up. I have no police report, CPS says unfounded cuz the bruises were gone, im pro per and im going stir crazy. My son is now having to go back and forth between our homes and be with this women who is hitting my son. Oh, btw, this is the FOURTH INCIDENT of abuse from her against my son. WHY WHY WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? WHY IS THE COURT ALLOWING THIS??? WHAT DO I DO??????????
What is the designated survivor's purpose?
to take the place of the president in case some catastrophic event happens they will be in charge of the country
Im going to canada i need help?
ok well first of all i dont want to do this stupid passport stuff. i am leaving the 17th of july and need something to get across the border by then. im driving from the united states to canada*. i found a website where i can still get my passport in the brief days remaining. but it will be extremely expensive. i considered getting a nexus card but that seems like a lot of work. keep in mind im only 17. does my parent need to be there for the nexus interview? and is there any other alternative for me? like a visa or anything? thank you
When will Emperor Obama impose his imperialist ambitions on North Korea?
I heard that upon conquering Noth Korea, that he plans to create a Colloseum to which top NK officials will fight to the death against lions and rabid Haiti survivors.
Why should someone have sex before marriage?
Sex before marriage is both dangerous and wrong for a multitude of reasons, but I know many people (especially on Yahoo Answers) disagree. I'm willing to give them a free, open forum to counter this claim. I want to hear the most logical arguments out there for why sex shouldn't be saved for marriage. And just a word of warning, unkind or immature comments won't help your cause, so be civil. Here we go ...
Very worried, did I get the job or not?
So I had an interview yesterday at 4:30pm and the manager said he would call me back later that night or today letting me know if I got the job and its 11 pm here and he never called. I'm very sad and worried. What is your opinion? :(
How Do I Completely Remove Sims 3 Mods?
A while back I had the Sims 3 on my laptop and I had added a multitude of mods into the game. I got bored quickly and uninstalled the game completely. Well now I'm interested again but when I got to play the game there are no skin options, I can no longer choose male/female, and a lot of it's functionality is gone. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing works. I've realized though that when I first install and go to play it's normal but as soon as I update it the problems occur again. Any solutions?
Is idea accessories ltd company a ligimate company?
i receive them an aplication form, then interview questionnaire, the contract agreement, then certification of appointment then lastly the processing of my visa.. i really confused of them should i continue my aplication for them? is this is a scam?
Survivors and College Question?
My father died when we was younger and he owned a construction company. My little sister is 16 years old and is graduating high school next year in June 24th, by then she will be 17 since her birthday is on January 27th. But anyways she is thinking about taking a year off and enrolling when she is 18 years old. But she is afraid she won't be able to get survivors from social security! Will she? Should she take a year off?
I hate people management?
Just say you wanted a change of pace and really prefer working with the public. Be honest. Don't say you hate being a team leader but just say you really prefer working with external customers and do best in that environment. Put a positive spin on your last job (I work with great people but my passion is working with the public) or whatever.. good luck. I have been in your shoes!
Job interview at Future Shop?
You can find most common job interview questions and interview tips for misc job positons here -
Question about applying at Six flags?
Honestly I don't get whyd you want to work there they rarely hire and all the people I know that work there say it's miserable.
How can i rip clothes to look real like a plane crash survivor? random rips dont look good, think movie props?
in the movies the clothes look good but random rips anywhere do not, its for a party just so you know
World Geography Question? Reviesd?
I used to be a college instructor and I can smell homework from a great distance. I won't do yours, no matter what story you give about it.
What's a good start for Star Wars books?
I want to start reading the Star Wars series, but there are so many and such a multitude of authors I don't know where to start. Any suggestions? I would likely prefer to go in chronological order but am open to suggestions. Also, I can't read any ebooks. Thanks in advance!
Where does fat go when you eat?
I'm trying to gain weight for a multitude of reasons, and I'm wondering where does it go first? Like does the fat go and add on to your stomach, your arms, thighs, chest? Or is it different for each person? Is a lot of junk food good for gaining weight or are there specific foods I should eat to do this?
Amazing of the universe is No one can truly explain the beginning ?
there are other options you forgot to consider. There is no reason to assume that something was always in fact that is probably impossible since nothing can last forever. There may have been a beginning of time, for example.
How is my book (the stalker who keeps saying my book is horrible don't comment?
Is this suppose to be a story or a TV show script? No offense, but it's really choppy and there's way too much dialogue and interjection stuff.
What are your favorite animals and why?
Strangely I love the Honey Badger and Wasps both are true survivors, what are your favorite animals and why?
How to paint on glass so that it's translucent?
ALL craft stores sell translucent paints for glass. Just go to one and read the labels. Choose the one that suits your ambition.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Grammar Question!! 10 points!?
The 'is' should be there for the first one and the second one should be 'are' because reasons is the subject so 'is' becomes 'are'
Do theists, especially many Christians, understand what the word "evidence" actually means and how it is(cont)?
Evidence is reality. Reality is the fossil record does not blend together by small steps. There is not a single small-change by small-change linkage in the entire 3.5 billion year fossil record. Reality is that Darwinian evolution did not occur; that is enough evidence for me.
What do you think is the most predictable match in history?
I would say it is Team WWF vs. Team Alliance at Survivor Series 2001 where the losers where out a job and the losing organization would be gone forever
What would u ask me if u were interviewing me to watch your child ?
I am going to start doing child care and I have 2 interviews coming up and i want to be ready what would u ask me if u where interviewing me to watch your child ?
How old do you have to be to attend a WWE event in MSG?
I've been to 13 wwe events over the years since 2008 including Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta, and I plan on going to Survivor Series this thanksgiving break but I heard somewhere you have to be 21 to go to Madison Square Garden and I'm only 17! can someone and tell me if that's true? I was planning on attending it by myself but now I might not be able to!
Why did the healer man tell me that to be like him, I must praise Jesus with all my might?
It means the healer man is a false prophet. Deuteronomy 13 says that if a person gives you signs and wonders (miracles) and by those signs and wonders, tries to convince you to worship a god you have not known before, then that man is a false prophet, so don't listen to him.
What are some survivors in the past decade that many do not know about?
i think i know what you mean...find shows where theres airplane crashes they have cool stories and also 911 people arent heard about much aswell as soldiers stories (like my grandad) and refugees(my dad)
Say if the zombie apocolypse began this week, would you?
I would be off like a shot i would put my fastest sneekers on and i would be gone faster than when i am trying to get that Butler.
Should I move out or kill myself?
Don't kill yourself. My mother was very similar to yours. It's not like you're coming to any harm staying there, is it? Move out if you have to, but don't kill yourself.
How long would a child live if...?
He is under 5 years old; a kidney and liver cancer survivor currently battling AML Leukemia, had an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant.The patient has no kidneys and has been receiving dialysis and waiting for kidney transplant. The patient has a central venous catheter and was undergoing chemotherapy, recently developed a bad infection and is in septic shock with liver failure. If all treatments were stopped aside from pain management, how long would it take for said patient to die?
Job interview question?
So I have a interview today at Wendy's and my friend had one last week. She says the manager asks how many times we were tardy in school. I was tardy like 12 times but that sounds do i lie or tell the truth straight up (my friend lied but dont they look that up)
I need a story on the following topic!!?
write bout the Tsunami first and how it effected them and then you can write bout how they are having a hard time living and talk bout some people who are injury and right how they look for hope
How is the (uber short) prologue?- Fantasy?
I really like it. I sense a good story. And I think instead of the letter you could have dialogue, but that is just my opinion.
If you have worked for Culver's: what to wear to orientation?
I recently was hired at a new Culver's. I have orientation in a couple of weeks. What do I wear? This is Tucson where it is 110 degrees outside all day. Do I dress in jeans and a t shirt? Or more business casual? like slacks and a nice top? I'm not sure what to wear. I wore slacks and a nice top to my job interview. What should I bring with me?? He asked for my ssn and driver's license so they can make a copy. What are Culver's orientations like?
What is the thing that she gave?
On gossip girl- it was the second season and the second disk and when Blair was being interviewed by the principal of Yale, she handed in a paper that said On Being Blair. It was the episode "you've got Yale" And I rele want to know what her paper said. Please someone help me or at least give me a link that says what the paper reads? Thank you sooo much I'll answer your questions if u do;)
Do you think that I can make my own underpants at home to save money?
I will still require the "fancy" kind in a multitude of pastel colors. Will I need a sewing machine or can I weave these by hand?
Can i go abroad i have applied for Australia my date of birth is 8th October 1978?
i attended the interview on 30th June which was taken on mobile.the visa officer said that my result will be out within a week.
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 4 out of the last seven days which has been really nice. I see her openly up slowly and seems willing to do a little more with me each day, although nothing is physical of course. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
What kind of movies to get a 14 year old boy?
my nephew is 14 and into documentaries.he loves the show dual survivor and whale wars and myth busters.he watches a bunch of the stupid kid shows the have on tv and like them.he likes the show hercules the legendary journies.he likes the show bones.i am trying to think of something to get him for christmas that would be on dvd on amazon.i got a list going on what i could get him.i got all those on the list of what other ideas you got for me to do for him.his mother does not allow him to watch horror movies or anything with a lot of adult content
Uncut male celebrities?
Are there any celebrities who have admitted to being uncircumcised? If so who are they and are their interviews about it? Just curious how many intact celebs there are.
Who is the Whore and Beast of Revelation 17?
wait for the adventists to come forward with hands raised, shouting "i know ,i know .it is the catholic church." this is a doctrine taught to them
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 2 out of the last three days which was really nice. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
How to import a multitude of songs into 1 Album in itunes?
So, I have a bunch of random songs like 100 or so, but is disorganized and is seperate mp3 files. I fear that once i open all of them that itll ruin my library and take forever to organize. How do i import them all into just one album?
I feel so down... i get rejected everytime!?
For a simple bank teller position. I don't know what I usually would do wrong at them. Its horrible! I mean I meet the qualifications but i still do not get hired. i feel so bad. I had like 10 bank interviews and failed them all. WHATS WRONG WITH ME? :(
What to do after a jobs hires you and tell you the will call you in a few days?
Well i just wanted to know what to do? Cause I had an interview on Friday June 24, 2011 and they told me they will call me in a few days? inn its already July 1, 2011 is that been to long to wait? what should i do keep waiting or call the person who called me in? please answer i would really appreciate it (:
Grants and funding for disabled access to premises?
I suggest you apply to the local environmental health department of your local council. I do know they would assist with people in their private homes, but if they can't help at least they can tell you who to apply to 'in regards a business' for the grant.
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 4 out of the last seven days which has been really nice. I see her openly up slowly and seems willing to do a little more with me each day, although nothing is physical of course. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
Why does my best friend act like we're bf/gf only when she feels like it?
Well, if/when she starts acting like your girlfriend, tell her you're only interested in being friends with someone who can't make up their mind. Then suggest for her to think over what she REALLY wants, and if she still can't figure it out, she should just not act like or be anyone's girlfriend.
Is my budgie egg-bound or just sick?
Either way, the vet is the answer. You have good instincts and I'd say the chances are good she's egg bound. She needs an injection of calcium right away. Do not wait another minute.
Move from Electrician to Police Officer?
As an electrician you will be happier and make more money! You will be your own boss over time and you will not have to deal with the politics. Police officers are honorable and needed in our society but they are not paid fairly for what they go through. Electricians make alot of money and are needed in different areas.
Should I move out or kill myself?
Don't kill yourself. My mother was very similar to yours. It's not like you're coming to any harm staying there, is it? Move out if you have to, but don't kill yourself.
Job interview question help!?
I wouldn't say robbing him. Id say I wasn't doing well in social so I sought out help and got a classmate to tutor me, I ended up passing the class. In exchange I tutored the student in a subject he had difficulty with.
Why are the "leaders" of today so lacking in comparison to this 1588 monarch?
Queen Elizabeth committed genocide against the Irish, I really am grateful that America's leaders are not genocidal.
Have the unemployed in the U.K been stigmatised and belittled unfairly?
Especially since the advent of mass unemployment that is weirdly twinned with mass immigration, then we have people in public sector non jobs including many jobcentre employees who give unemployed a hard time as well as the multitudes of economic migrants who were favoured in employment and helped drive down the wages in the U.K to poverty levels.
Tips on how to win all-day Survivor event with friends?
Drink lot's of water, and stretch out periodically. Make a pact with the weakest players to get rid of the strongest players first, then stab them in the back before they do so to you. Good Luck!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What did Jesus really say about himself?
The prophecies in the Old Testament clearly refers to Jesus as a "servant of God". The idea that he was God in the flesh was somnthing which involved into Christianity around the third century with the Gospel of John.
What do you think of this WWE storyline?
Not bad. I think anything is better than what the WWE will do (which is CENA WINS OVERCOMES ODDS OHMYGOD).
Are there any non-Jewish holocuast survivors who have or are currently receiving holocaust reparations?
You always here that it just wasn't Jews who suffered dring WW2; that there were Gypsies, homosexuals, German dissidents ect. So is there such a thing as a homosexual German citizen who has or is currently receiving Holocaust reparations?
Why do Christians throw the OT under the bus when questions get touchy?
Yeah, they do the same thing when they argue with me but I put the brakes on that mess. Jesus said in the new testament when asked if the old testament was to be dismissed and the new was to be followed alone "not a word of my father's law shall pass away" (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV). Ask them about that.
I keep having this recurring dream?
it ALWAYS takes place at my school, and it's been going on for like 4 years now. when i was in 5-7 grade it would take place at my elementary school library (even though I stopped going to elementary school after 5th grade) and in 8th grade it would just take place at my middle school with some aspects of my elementary school as well, but I was never in the library. anyway what happens is that everyone is doing normal things and before I know it there is a zombie some of my dreams before it would only last until the zombies would come after me and then I would wake up, but in this one it was way worse. a big crowd of kids and I are walking outside and we see our teachers guarding the doors. we keep walking and we see our other classmates, as we walk up to them we realize they are zombies and they attack everyone except for me and my friends, we run past the teachers guarding the doors and they have no reaction, we run down the hallways and all they door are locked except for the very last room at the end, we get in and when we walk in theres already people inside. this is random but then my ex-boyfriend started hitting me in my face. then I go out of the room with my friends to the big room next door and open it, nothing is in there and when we turn around the entire school including teachers has been turned into zombies except for the people in the room. the are coming down the hallway so we return to our room and lock it. im not sure how this happened but everyone in the room turned into a zombie and I was the only survivor so I escape and run away from the school and I see parents and cars at the end, so I try to run to them and I run past some trees, they burn down around me but I can get away,i get in my car and next thing I know Im in a restaurant with my brother and all my friends and noone is a zombie. my friend from elementary comes up to me and says "it was all a rumor" then it turns into a class and my teacher, my ex, and some others are in
My husband says I can use cloth diapers, but he won't change them. Thoughts?
Congrats me too, I will be 19 weeks Friday, only a day away. I think he is realizing that he will not be only one you spend money on and time with. He is just adjusting to the idea that there will a baby soon. Go out on a date with him sometime, and just enjoy each other. On the cloth diapers, my husband says the same thing. He wants to get disposable diapers as well. He is the one paying for the diapers, so he cannot complain lol. Anyways, best wishes. Excited for you.
Job Application Question ...?
This sounds very flakey and the interviewer is an idiot. I'm sorry, but that's my impression. Do yourself a favorite and boost your self-respect by not pursing this job..
Tips for getting a first part time job?
well being australian you may not consider my advice any help. i imagine you're not turning your back on a successful swimming career possibly but broadening your horizons. being good at swimming you should be a shoe in for a job as a life saver at an indoor pool which would give you free access to training if you want. apply for a job in america for a summer camp trainer. do anything but don't do nothing. but if u just want to get a job then during the interview be confident in yourself and more importantly apply for a job you want to do. your the one getting out of bed to do it. best of luck mate
Does Taylor Momsen wear contact lenses?
I've seen pictures of her with glasses and saw an interview wear she mentioned she couldn't see without her glasses, but most of the time she doesn't have them. Does she wear contacts? Who are some other musicians who wear contacts?
Can you guys tell me how this short story is?
It's nice...I mean your writing skills are really good. Your English is perfect and I loved the sense of drama. However as far as the short story is concerned, I didn't really like it. No offense...I mean there wasn't any substance to it. Then again, it's just my opinion. You're a really great writer though. So keep it up! :-D
Cat scratchd toddler few times toddler somtimes provokd i put cat out to wait solution hes gonewas i wrong?
i had tried to seperate them ,making a play area in basement for cat, cat has a mini dog playmate as well as well as working with my little one by showing animal bites that were accidental in videos and so on, i finally had chosen to possibly declaw or find a new home and was in the process of making arrangements for either of those though it was heartbreaking as the cat is amazing and was rescued by me and her from the banks of a river 8 months ago and such a part of the family though still a bit wild as animals can tend to be and i put him out after the last scratch he never returned i am sad and i wonder what else i should have done..he started 2 spray as well lately due surely to a neighbors cat that had broken in to my basement via the dryers vent and sprayed the basement in multitude and i was going 2 get him spayed at the vet this week as well...4 this new problem is it possible the other cats odd behavior and roaming around outside spiked a little more than wild in my cats behavior in the recent history i it seems i was closer to domesticating him up until 2 months ago via scratches, when these neighbors moved in? as well they just moved out this week and took their cat..if he comes back should i try again hoping??
How do girls see having a virgin for a boyfriend?
I'm a virgin and I'm saving for marriage. It's for religious reasons. Never had a relationship last long enough that it became an issue or maybe because of it. Given the vast multitude of others who've volunteered themselves to take it, what do you girls out there think about having a boyfriend whose a virgin?
Any good post-apocalyptic TV shows out there?
oh dang i was gunna suggest Jericho cause its so good! lol but theres Planet of the Apes it only has like 10-15 episodes though.. um also 2030 CE i watched when i was younger lol its kinda little kidish but at the time it was pretty good.. or how about Heroes? But what you should really watch is the new show Falling Skies it just premiered on TNT like a week ago theres only been 2 or 3 episodes i think.. its a Steven Spielberg productions i watched the first one, pretty good!
Is it possible to get a US F-1 visa interview appointment the same month you applied? ?
I need to resume in my school next month but I've not scheduled a date at the Embassy yet. Is it still possible that I get an interview date this month?. I'm specific about the US embassy at Lagos, Nigeria.
Why do you keep turning off my email?
I tried to send an email to my family and friends asking for their support as I walk the survivors lap at the Campbell Relay for life. You turned me off claiming abuse. 48 hours later I tried again to send the email to only four of my family and you again turned me off for abuse. Today you turned me off again because I sent a test message to my friend in the next office. What gives? I pay for my mailbox. I am not spamming and you do not have the right to censor the content of my private email. I am a lawyer and have tried to contact you on seven different occasions to attempt to resolve this issue and I cannot talk to a live body. I can file a lawsuit but that seems a bit over the top, however, if my email does not free up within the next 24 hours, I will consider a class action as I am not the only person frustrated. Please call me at my office so I can discuss this with you as I can dialog with you in an email because you have shut me down again. Really need a response quickly as my patience is at an all time low. I expect to get service for what I pay to receive.
Should I find a class b driving job or work with UPS?
I am 19 years old and I just got my cdl class b licence and I was wandering if companies would hire me at my age with no experience? If not, then should I work for UPS as a package handler part time. Because I do have an interview set up with them next week. I know that ups package handlers dont make that much as people with class b trucking jobs. So should I go looking for class b trucking jobs and forget about the interview with ups or the opposite?
Where can I learn classes for free?
If you are a DC resident classes are free else where I'm nit really sure, check online, financial aid , pell grants & even Scholarships
Do you watch Dual Survivor?
dave because i feel he has better survival skills and is smarter for wearing boots and not going barefoot.
A question about my grandpas will?
Yes. He should make one while he is mentally able and coherent. Pain and medicines can dull your mind. If your grandma was married longer to your granddad than his new wife she may be able to get his SS and any pensions. I think the law states a new spouse has to be married 10 years in order for them to collect SS. Talk to your granddad and see how he feels about making a will. Poppy
If the bible had never been assembled in 325AD, would someone else have created it?
The myths they used for the new testament are just rewrites of Greek and Egyptian mysticism/mythology and things they borrowed from The Book of Zoroaster. In order to make people believe in it they had to murder whoever disagreed... only a powerful ruthless nation like Old Rome would be able to put together a book like the buy-bull and make people believe in it.
Islam is so sexually restrained.. So why did Muhammed have sex with dozens upon dozens of women?
Religion doesn't stop a man from wanting "some"; not to mention have you noticed all of the "religious figures" who molest children. YES. Everyone has flaws, you'lll be suprised.
I want to write a holocaust survivor?
I really want to write to a holocaust survivor. All my life I have been interested in WWII. I want to hear their stories and make a difference in their lives.
Please somebody, just a little help. Teacher gonna take a basic interview tomorrow...?
just gonna ask name, previous grades and we wanna be and why(?). I am confused about telling my aim. Honestly I wanna be a dancer,composer,song & story writer, video editor. but will it be ok to tell this. I mean, its school so maybe the teacher will throw jokes or scold me for that and others will think that I'm showing off. I'm in XI Med.Science. I have interest in Science but don't what to be in this field, so what to do? Maybe a Biomedical enginner but don't know what to say, why I wanna be?
Did I already blow my interview? Help?
A company asked me via email if I would be available at 7:45 next wednesday for a job interview. I got this Email yesterday. I said "Sounds Good. So 7:45 on July 6th? Is it possible I could get the address?. And now I haven't received a reply in over 18 hours. Did I blow it? I ended up googling the place and finding directions without their help,but since they didn't tell me where they were located that would seem creepy. So did I run my own chances?
Does the AAA call center drug test?
i have a interview coming up at the call center for aaa (or triple a), im wondering if the actule call center drug tests or if its for truck drivers only,has any one worked at the aaa call center and know if they drug test and if they do is it immidatly or do they send u some wher?im a casule smoker
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sony laptop multiple problems?
So recently my laptop has had a multitude of problems, occasionally when I turn it on it gets stuck on a black screen. The computer freezes from time to time and last of all when I'm browsing the laptop would disconnect from the wireless and when I go to reconnect it won't detect any networks.
What do you think my odds of this job are?
Had an interview where i work for a supervisor position, the assistant store manager interviewed me and seemed pretty impressed by responses to all her questions,she told me she thinks i would be great for the position and that i was good natured and would make a good supervisor, she even said people have told her i have a strong back bone and wont back down the store manager is also the one who approached me and told me he was interested in giving me the position, but they have done other interviews im just wondering what my odds would be, by the way my track record at work is great i got my first promotion at 2 months i have now been there for 7
If a foster child's parents die and they are placed in foster care who will get their survivor benefits?
who will get this child's survivor benefits? Case worker agency or the foster parents? Or would it be placed in a trust fund of some sort? Like if they are infants, in a foster home. If so how would they know it was used for the kid? I live in Missouri, but I would like to know any state's laws.
Which Survivor season should I watch?
i answered your other question about this, but i didnt explain my answer. 3 seasons were filmed in panama (pearl islands, all stars, and exile island) but your probably talking about exile island since that is pretty recent like the other 3 you listed. You should watch Exile Island because the way they start the teams in the beginning of the show is really interesting, and the exile island thing shakes things up a little. Fiji is a close second, and gabon third. I would probably say that tocantins was the most boring out of the ones you listed.
Apocalyptic movie, kind of?
There's this movie I saw a couple of years ago that, to this day, has had its scenes run through my mind. I don't remember the name but I believe the movie begins with an undercover cop and his partner in a car staking out a drug deal. Someone tips the drug dealers off and both the cops are under fire. His partner doesn't make it out alive but they manage to stop the dealers. The premise of the movie, from what I can remember, is that every day on earth starts getting hotter and hotter until it kills people. Eventually, the cop is one of the few still alive (he doesn't know this) and he tries to find other survivors. Could anyone possibly have any idea as to which movie I am talking about? Many thanks in advance to whoever helps me.
Is it an outrage, the terrorist, Bill Ayers, never went to prison?
Just be thankful Obama didn't nominate his friend Bill to a cabinet position and have him confirmed by the Democrats. They would have because they hate this country Ayers is a declared enemy of the United States of America and Obama is an undeclared enemy of the United States of America. A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Which Is the Best BPO Job for Good English in Chennai? & Easier interview rounds?
I am looking for a BPO job. I am having good communication skill [Not Excellent]. In which BPO in Chennai Interview Rounds are easier?
Is it rude to put all the bachelors on the CV?
I am applying as a job as a very well paid manager. I have 4 bachelor degrees and 2 masters. I was wondering if I should add the irrelevant bachelor degrees along with the rest, or if you think it'll make the people conducting the interview feel inferior to me? idk.
To those who say that the catholic church was created by Constantine?(just something to consider)?
Emperor Constantine - said to have converted on his death-bed May 22, 337 AD. Your sources - AD 110-180. The math seems pretty straight-forward.
How mutch will my daughter get for her survivor benefits?
Her daddy just passed...he has worked off and on all his life..he was 40..but I know some of his jobs were under the table..some were not...At the time of his death..he was drawing daughter is 14 now..was just wondering how mutch she will get?..Plus..we were only married 3 years..the social security sight said a divorced partner can get benefits also if they have the child to the parent that passed..but the lady told me I would have had to been married to him 10 years...and also be 60..I need to know all this as i am raising this child alone and finances are VERY VERY tight...Pleas Help
How long would it take to?
Well as bad as it sounds I did a little pot last sunday. It was my first time and I only did one or two hits and had a little buzz. I'm currently trying to get a job and I'm wondering how long will it take for my urine to be safe for a drug test. I might have an interview next week some time and I haven't thought too much of it before now. Are there any ways to get clean before or am I okay because I only did 1-2 hits and really didn't get effected by it. I drink like 5-7 liters of water a day. I'm not sure if that myth is true but just wanted to add that! Thanks :)
If the biblical god sat down for a job interview, and used the bible as his resume, would you hire him?
Nope, nowhere in the Bible is there any reference to the job that I do (or that he/she would be required to do). It would be of no use whatsoever.
Fell in love with an alien?
Marry him,but be careful,the wedding ring must be made of gold,otherwise it could melt when you take off to go to Mars
Employer Called and Asked me to Be at Interview in 30 Minutes?
Ok I applied for a position about 2 weeks ago. Yesterday, while I was out and about, the hiring manager called me @ 150PM, and asked if i could be there about 220pm? of course I said yes. But the place was 20 minutes away, and I was not at home when they called me. The manager said she was about to go out of town, and if we did not do the interview now, than she would have to do it in 2 weeks. So i Just rushed up there. It's not a great position. I had on Kackie Shorts and Leather sandals. With a Black Polo shirt. I apologized for being under dressed and she said not to worry about it. Was this bad that I came looking like this? I was not dressed badly, I was wearing what I would normally dress like if I was going to play golf. Because that's what I was about to do when she called?
Besides "The Eye of the Tiger", what is your favorite Survivor song?
I like "It's the Moment of Truth" (played during the end credits of the 1984 original "The Karate Kid"), "The Search is Over" and "High on You."
Waiting to hear back on an interview I had this week?
The person who interviewed me, the VP of the company, mentioned she really liked me and our interview went on for about 40 minutes and covered pretty much everything. She said I would hear back by today. The work day is almost over and haven't heard from her, should I give her a call right before the end of the work day to check in? She mentioned she wanted to have the start date decided by next week and I want to make sure I don't miss the date or schedule any interviews or accept anything if it happens to come up if she does want me for this one.
Do you agree with this Quote? Yes or No? Why or Why Not?
"If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improvement, we still find the greedy hand of government thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute." - Thomas Paine
What is George Brady's address?
I would really love to write to this man. He is a famous holocaust survivor and I want to send him a letter. Does anyone know his address?
Where does fat go when you eat?
I'm trying to gain weight for a multitude of reasons, and I'm wondering where does it go first? Like does the fat go and add on to your stomach, your arms, thighs, chest? Or is it different for each person? Is a lot of junk food good for gaining weight or are there specific foods I should eat to do this?
Whats does this Bible Verse mean?? What is it saying?
"O Lord, there is none like You to help the powerless against the strong. Help us, O Lord, our God, for we rely on You, and in Your name we have come against this multitude. You are the Lord, our God; let no man prevail against You" (2 Chr 14:10).
How is the prologue?- Fantasy?
I love it. The description and all really fits and it does go into the prologue section, but since you said critism the only few things I can say (being really picky here) is that I'd change Thank-you for your time, your majesty to sincerely, your majesty and perhaps Dear King Elijah. Also if you want a place to publish your story and get feedback I recommend the website Good luck in future, and I hope I helped. XD :-)
BIG FAT CONFUSION I had a telephone interview from two different companies,in different day (Please see below)?
I applied for an administrative role in several companies, I was interviewed on the phone by one of these, and on the following day I received another call with the same job description but from a different company. Because I thought it was the same company I told them I was already interviewed, however I just realised that I misunderstood the situation. How do I go about it? I still want to do the telephone should I explaine the circumstance? or rather should I explaine it?
If a foster parent chose to put survivor benefits in a trust for the child...?
Money placed in a trust for a child in foster care may not be used by anyone without the authorization of the trustee in charge of managing the account. The point of the trust is to keep the funds in reserve until the child reaches an age specified in the trust, at which time he/she may receive distributions from it. None of their foster parents, now or in the future, can access the money.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Does anyone else think this might happen?
If CM Punk wins the WWE title at MITB and then leaves the WWE maybe it will be a scenario like either Wrestlemania IV or Survivor Series 1998. The title was vacated and there was a 14 man elimination tournament for the title. Randy Savage won the title at Wrestlemania IV and the rock beat mankind for the vacated WWE title at SS. On Raw 6/13/11 CM Punk stated that by giving him the match with John Cena SCSA has just set into motion something that would change the WWE landscape. Could this happen? Maybe the main event at Wrestlemania 28 will be a championship match but with neither the rock or John Cena going in as champ?
Transcribing software?
I've been finishing up an art project that involves photos and interviews. I'm getting ready to do a show and I plan on having excerpts from the interviews posted along with the photos. The problem is that it takes a tedious amount of time to transcribe each of the interviews even though I am a fast typist. I wanted to know if there are any good programs I can download for free (or a trial) so I can get things done faster. I'm looking for something that I can just play the recordings and it will transcribe it for me instead of me having to type everything. It also has to be for a mac.
Famous Footwear Job question?
I applied for a job at famous footwear. I got an interview. She told me they were going to call next week for a follow up. The site they use is for the application. I got an email from peoples answers that I didn't get the job. Is this legit?
How can I persuade my mum to let me miss school when we dont have lessons that day?
go but dont tell ur mum it was my last day today and all my friends wanted to go to the beach 7 miles away. my mum said no but i still went. in the last day we just wacth crappy films all day.
I made a mistake......?
i went for a job interview, but i hated it immediatly and then the lady said i should come back in an hour for her to give me the key, but i was so in a hurry to get out of there i wasnt thinking straight that i just said ok, but i didnt wanted the job, it was through an agency by the way, i didnt showed up and i was just praying that she wasnt waiting for me because i wasnt coming anyways, i should have been honest but now i dont know what i can do to make it up with the agency again? what do you do when you make a mistake and wasnt honest?
Is this small paragraph perfect? Does it make sense? Is it easy to understand/read?
The drilling site is located on a family owned property. While multinational/chain oil corporations have offered to lease as well as sub-lease, the revenue share offered for leasing proved substantially less lucrative than what an independent startup with producing wells could offer. As oil prices have risen to some stability compared to its value in times past, the family believes now is an excellent time to begin operations.
Since scientists seems only to answer one question with a multitude of other questions does that mean?
that it does not lead to Truth but just more confusion and therefore would be more a source of entertainment than enlightenment? As long the mind that is searching for answers remains in submerged in relativity then those so called scientific facts will never have a conclusion.
Rogue spyware security shield keeps auto installing on my computer. how to get rid of it?
aight so i know how to get rid of the program using malwarebytes' and ive done so twice...i use a multitude of anti spyware detection progroms including regrun and spybot. spybot picks up a hijacker called is spy bot cant remove it. another thing...regrun detects 3 rootkits and i can not find reliable software that will detect and remove rootkits. if anyone can help me with those two things then that would be awesome. im thinking that this is where my auto installing security shield is coming from. if im not mistaken the is causing popups for firefox which in and of itself could lead to more malware installing...the rootkits are what have me majorly worried though because i know that malware that runs at boot is DEFINITELY not a good thing...ever... so does anyone know why this rogue spyware is auto installing on my not downloading anything its just if my computer is on for more than an hour, it auto installs. also if anyone knows of a rootkit removal software would be prefer it to be free as i could always just format my hdd and reinstall my os...but thats a pain in the *** and i want to avoid that... so i guess what i need is rootkit removal and advice as to why security shield is auto installing....and how to stop it....thanks ahead of time...
Girl problem is driving me crazyy!!! Please help :)?
It's simple really. Just ask her out. If she accepts and the dates go well, then you know she is interested. If she turns you down, then you know she isn't interested.
So....i want to get my lip pierced?
what is the shortest amount of time i should wait before changing the jewelry? also, how much did you pay for just one side? snakebites? how bad did it hurt for YOU? did you get an infection? if so how do you think you got it? i have longish about to be natural blonde hair (its dyed red but im taking the dye out) and its wavy. i usually wear black eyeliner and blah blah blah. do you think it'll look okay? sorry for the multitude of questions, any answers would be helpful :]
What's wrong with my 1 week old kitten?
Out of a litter of 6 kittens, he is the only survivor. His mother and father both have had all their shots. One of his sisters was born deformed her skull not fully formed together and one of her arms missing joints (i have pictures) and most of his other siblings had full looking bellies when they died. The mother has been taking good care of them though. After the 5th one died, I've taken this last kitten away. I've fed him KMR formula and tried stimulating his to use the bathroom. He peed a lot, but he wont defecate. He also has the big round belly(not hard at all) and up until now, his mother has been feeding him. Something that may help, is that the father had very strange coloring when he was born, as some of these kittens have. The father LOOKS black and white now, but when he was born he was blackish/dark blue and white, but the blackish color turned lighter as it got lower on his back into this very light gray color(maybe something wrong with his genes?). The older he got, the more it faded. This kitten is exactly the same, but with no white underbelly. His mother was adopted from someone else, and she is a black calico(no white, just orange and black) The birth of these kits was normal, but something strange is that she still looks kinda pregnant. All the mother cats I've ever had always looked thin after giving birth. That's as much as I can think of to write. I know its a lot, but I'm hoping it will help to get an answer. I cant take the kit to the vet for another couple days (waiting for a paycheck) so I want to keep him alive till then.
Is the ultimate achievement not to "mind"...?
The Master said, "A man who has mindfulness, when he sits, he knows he is sitting, and when he stands, he knows he is standing." Mindfulness does not mean you never get angry, but that you know when you are angry and live in that moment; it does not mean you are never anxious, but that you know you are anxious, and live in that moment. To be or not to be becomes the same - experience.
Can anyone reasonably argue this conclusion?
Actually it is a rumor that this actually happened, it is most likely a fictional story, but a powerful argument nonetheless! In fact, its even more powerful without Einstein's name attached to it, it shows that you don't have to be a genius to prove God's existence. :-D
A question about my grandpas will?
He can make his own will. If he dies without one his estate goes through probate and everthing his name is one will be split between his wife and his children and the state. This can even mean his home would be sold.
Please grade my SAT essay!?
I'd give it a 4 on a scale of 1-6. You could have had more paragraphs and in the introduction paragraphs you should have stated you examples. You also should have incorporated more SAT words. The paragraphs end kind of awkwardly and in your conclusion you need to restate your body paragraphs. Other than that, it was pretty decent.
Are my looks putting off potential enployers?
I have been unemployed for 2 years and have not had a single interview despite handing a string of cv's in to about 40 different buissnesses numerous times i have come upon the conclusion that when handing in my cv my 4 foot 9 stature and the fact that without make up i look 13 is putting them off i am especially convinced of this when i think back to my last job where i had asked to be trained in the bar i can count on one hand the amount times i served for maybe 20 minutes and at the same time two girls who worked promotions for about 2 months got the training and i can easily say that they were more conventionally pretty than meybe 20 minutes and at the same time two girls who worked promotions for about 2 months got the training and i can easily say that they were more conventionally pretty than me
Does anyone have the address of any holocaust survivor that I can write to?
I would really like to write to a survivor of the holocaust. I have always been interested in sending letters to veterans and pen pals. The holocaust has always interested me and it would be great if I could talk to one. Thanks.
Teacher gonna take a basic interview tomorrow...?
just gonna ask name, previous grades and we wanna be and why(?). I am confused about telling my aim. Honestly I wanna be a dancer,composer,song & story writer, video editor. but will it be ok to tell this. I mean, its school so maybe the teacher will throw jokes or scold me for that and others will think that I'm showing off. I'm in XI Med.Science. I have interest in Science but don't what to be in this field, so what to do? Maybe a Biomedical enginner but don't know what to say, why I wanna be?
Could i do this to prevent anybody from stealing my idea?
I thought of one of these once. I went so far as to build a model then realized how stupid I was. Lol didn't work. Make sure you actully build it before you come to a conclusion like this.
Why hasn't Hollister hired me?
Its been 3 since my interview and they havent called i feel like i answered the questions best out of everybody and i was the only one wearing hollister but i dont know why they havent called did i not get the job?
Why is it that I am always much colder than others in the room?
I'm 14, and for the past week or so I've been walking around swathed in layers of winter clothing. It's nearly summer in Vegas, where I live, but most of the time lately I've spent shivering under a multitude of blankets and clothing. My body temperature is about normal, and I don't have any other side effects. I just shake/shiver/chatter my teeth quite often and I seem to have become noticeably paler. No one else is cold because the house temperature is pretty much 80 degrees Fahrenheit most of the time. I haven't gone to the doctor yet, should I? Or will it reside come time?
I am looking to get a tattoo on my wrist as i am a suicide survivor , i lost my partner to suicide i want somr?
i lost my partner 5 weeks we were together 12 years , he committed suicide and i want to get a wrist tattoo that symbolises whats happened but something beautiful, i like butterflies/fairies and flowers, but am not sure what to have that symbolises this, i will have to look at it forever so i need something positive.
Say we have a nuclear war and almost everyone dies...?
The only survivors are some small African tribe who never new anything about christ, will everyone who survived and their offspring go to hell now that the bible has been wiped off the map?
How can I get an interview at Petsmart?
I applied to Petsmart a few days again,called today and spoke to a hiring manager. Luckily,they are hiring and might be calling for interviews next week. I gave her my name and she said she would give my name to the hiring manager. How do I go about getting an interview? Do I call again a week from now? When should I call? If I do get an interview,what should I wear? What questions do they usually ask?
Needing design for tattoo?
My grandmother is a two time cancer survivor(lung then breast). She also has diabetes. The doctors got a bad test result back for her and think she might have cervical cancer now. I want to get something for her strength. I'm a virgo and the symbol looks like an "M" with a ribbon attached. i thought about getting that and having the ribbon looking part colored pink. but that leaves out the rest of the illnesses shes overcame. any ideas? or places i can get ideas. thank you all so much.
Do I display any signs of Asperger's Syndrome?
no you don't have they symptoms nor mannerisms. everyone seems to think they have Asperger's lately and a lot don't, its as if its the 'latest craze' to have Asperger's. when you meet someone who does genuinely suffer with this you,ll soon realise people who think they have it, don't.
Can you fail a volunteering interview?
I have a volunteering interview coming up and I don't know what to expect. What kinds of questions do they ask? If they ask me why I want to volunteer, is it okay to say because I want to be recognized by colleges or would that sound as if it's all personal gain and sound like I really don't want to do it? How should I respond to that question?
There is no single scriptural text in which Jesus claimed explicitly to be divine?
You ever hear the old saying actions speak louder than words. If you wish to deny him that's your choice. Come to think of it the Muslims and you should get along great in your beliefs.
No paragraph development whatsoever. No transitions, or separation of thoughts. wow that was pretty bad. Intro needs work and there is no Conclusion at all. the info is there but actually write an essay instead of just pittng down thoughts. Change up word choices and scentence beggining and structure. I think the info is a little bit bland. Addsomething to entice the reader...
I'm gay and I keep leading girls on?
I guess it isn't apparent that I'm gay, because 75% of the time girls I talk to end up liking me... A lot... and I don't reciprocate... and I end up feeling like a dick about it. I don't really want to be openly/outwardly gay. I wouldn't say I'm "closeted" either, because those who I feel should know, do know. I wouldn't want people to assume I'm gay for a multitude of reasons... Mainly, I'm in High School in a not-so-great area, and because I kind of advocate when I hear other kids bad mouthing gays. So, letting everyone know is an option, but the cons greatly outweigh the pros. Suggestions? kthx
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Who was the Spartan named Aristodemos?
Ok i asked a question earlyer about Sparta after the battle of Thermopylae and the best answer mentioned a survivor of the battle named Aristodemos. Who was he what happened to him after the battle and was he blind?
Hardware networkind interview question?
frnds i have had an interviw on tuesday as cpmputer hardware n networking eng... can anybody pls tell me wt kind of question i have to face...n 4m whr i can downlods dis que.
Christ Second Coming, Peace or War?
I'm not sure, but I think it should be at least as cool as the return of Gandalf in the second Lord of the Rings.
How does “love cover a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8)?
It is through love that God and humanity are willingly to forgive wrong-doing. As a result, it covers has to ability to cover the sins we will commit.
Two interview at Target?
I Just got two interview with target today and it went okay for the first and second interview i guess. What does it means after i had two interview with target does it mean i got the job or what? I apply for cashier and sales floor.. I'm planning working overnight and work 40 hours too and they said they going turn it to human resource department or something they should least give me call for 7-10 business day.
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years and we have been apart for about 7 months now. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 3 out of the last 7 days which was really nice. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. Almost everyday she says we should try to stop talking or not see each other anymore, but shortly after she continues to communicate with me. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
Will you rate this yugioh deck?
I used to have a deck back in the 5th grade. Dark Magicians the ****. sorta the pikachu of yugioh. But, **** man, you need baby dragon time wizard and polymerization to get thousand years dragon
I'm a pathetic cheater..?
I cheated on my girlfriend after 6.5 years and we have been apart for about 7 months now. I am currently 31. I always believed she would be my wife, yet there were some issues. We got along perfectly, that wasn't the issue, the issue was after about 5 years in the relationship I didn't feel like it was moving forward. I proposed to her and she didn't accept because she felt to young(24). She also was so busy with work and school she had no time for me and I was lonely in the relationship. So yes, I made the horrible decision of engaging in another relationship. I was caught after about a week and continued it for a few months because I felt I crossed the line and there was no going back. When it that relationship ended, I realized what I did and what I had to do to make ammends. So I have been talking to my ex for the last month and a half. Mostly text and email because she didn't want to see me. We ended up seeing each other 4 out of the last 7 days which was really nice. Each day she is willing to do a little more, ie. talk on the phone, grab some food, make plans, etc. I know: she loves me, she misses, me, she wants to be with me, yet she is still hurt and is rightfully having a hard time forgiving. Almost everyday she says we should try to stop talking or not see each other anymore, but shortly after she continues to communicate with me. I have taken ownership of my actions and admitted my faults. I have said I will go to therapy with her and do a multitude of other things to improve the relationship. I am looking for insight of similar expiriences. What works? What are my next steps? How much time will it take for her to move forward with me? Is it a good sign that she is willing to see me now? Would she have seen me if she wasn't interested? Thanks so much!
How long should I wait to follow up after interview?
I was interviewed yesterday evening and it is now noon the next day. I was interviewed at an ice cream shop. How long should I wait to call and thank them for the interview, and what should I say/what will they say?
Zombie/virus outbreak movie?
virus outbreak movie where the survivors try and get to the helicopter but the pilot gets bit so they head to a boat. There's one guy that injects himself with medicine to keep from turning into a zombie but decides to stay behind to fight zombies after his medicine ran out. Also some guy who got out of prison came back to find his girlfriend but at the end of the movie he stays behind along with the other guy so that his girlfriend could escape on the boat. The 2 guys fight zombies and at the very end of the movie the first guy starts up a chain saw while he is recording himself on video.
How do you answer this question?What do you have to bring to the table?
What do you think is the proper answer to this? How should one answer this question? Does it make you stop and think for a bit? How would you answer this? Some interview questions can be tricky. First every things going smooth and then they ask you questions like this.
This apple id is not currently eligible to purchase gift certificates?
I'm getting zero satisfaction from Apple trying to resolve the above issue. All they keep asking for is for me to scan a copy of my credit card billing statement and send it to them to remove the restriction. I refuse to do that. Their customer service is POOR POOR POOR. They will not provide me with a phone number to call them. They will not call me. They're hiding behind their email which takes days for a response. I've threatened to just go to Blackberry devices and I'm quite serious about it. All I'm trying to do is get a thirty dollar gift cert and they will not allow it. I've never experienced such horrible customer service. They won't resolve my problem without having me expose sensitive/personal credit card information. They can verify my identity a multitude of ways including calling me at the number listed on my account. I do NOT recommend APPLE products anymore. I like their devices, but their customer service is worthless.
Is a human being truly a single entity?
Physically we are made up of countless atoms, none of which originated in us, or even in our solar system. Our bodies harbour multitudes of microscopic organisms, many of which we depend on to survive. Psychologically we are very interdependent, as humans are social creatures. Our early experiences, the culture we were raised in, and even our native language can all profoundly influence the way in which we think.
Do you agree? Yes or No? Why or Why Not?
I agree with the maxims these great men are expressing, but I want to express my debt of gratitude to Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, who substantially rolled back government's claim to the fruits of man's labor. Kennedy lowered the top tax rate from 90% to 70%, Reagan took it down to 29%.
Had a dream about my dead grandma last night?
Last night I had a multitude of weird dreams which I have not had dream for sometime. They were kind of short and jumped from one to the other. Then the one with grammy came up, I was in a house and may have been talking about her to someone, then noise came from the kitchen and the lady said it was my grandma. I couldn't see her but new she was there like a spirit I believe pouring coffee then she walked into to the living room. Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was coming towards me and I felt scared and tried to hide she tickled my feet may have said something then was gone. It jumped from there to my boyfriend myself and our kids moving in together. I knew in the dream she was dead and believe I was scared because ghost scare me, I don't watch scary movies or anything that will make me have bad dreams. I do believe in angels etc. Even thought I was scared Gram's presence felt as she was calm. I woke up scared tired but scared it was hot in the house so I was sleeping uncovered. I grabbed the blankets and threw it over me afraid to keep my feet exposed. Come to think of it I think it may be 5 month today that she has be gone. Died from Cancer at 70 years old 2 days before Christmas. I miss her dearly what does this mean
Do all little dogs eat bugs or is it just my dog?
lol my dog does that too & still does after the 5 year's that we've had her. i think it's normal for dogs to do that!(:
Graffiti as a business.?
Ive heard of a few places trying this out; i dont know how well it does but depending on how much graffiti is in your city it might be a good thing. You can either charge money at the entrance OR you can sell paint/art supplies or both. Some places ive been to let you paint for free but you got to buy the paint from them- inside they sell paint, markers, tshirts etc
I am a boy and I have a interview with wendy's , what should i wear?, what should I say? How should I act?
I have a Interview with Wendy's , what are some things I should do and tips, so I would definitely get the job.?
Why do some people make the absolutely absurd and desperate assertion that “Jesus never existed” ... Say what!?
Because there isnt any solid evidence that he actually existed. I mean the bible is like 1000 years old and was written about 50 years after the events in the book happened, thats like playing a game of chinese whispers for 50 years, so you cant really blame people for being skeptical. Just because the bible is deatailed doesnt make it true. Just like the harry potter books being detailed dont make them true.
Can i apply for bank po if i have written my 4th year btech but without results of it?
Is degree is compulsory to "apply for bank po" or can i write po exam and later my 4th year result can i show my degree at the time of interview?
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